My music

I have been making music all my life.

I must have been approximately 10 when my father played a classical album with unfamiliar instruments. It was the second album of Wendy Carlos, called “The well-tempered synthesizer“. He told me it was a synthesizer. Upon my question what that was he answered “an instrument that can make every sound you like”. From that moment on I was hooked.

It was not until some years later, when I was 18, that I had my first contact with an actual synthesizer. And a hobby was born.

The following years I composed several instrumental songs and I even performed once at a small duo-concert. I am currently in the process of restoring them and making them public.

This is currently a project I am working on. When finished you should be able to access the songs at the Bandcamp website under my artist name “Joobat”.

When I was in my youth, I studied the trumpet for eight years, sang in a youth choir for eight years, and once accompanied some friends on stage so I could sing with them in front of an audience of 20.000 people.